Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Second Epistle of Pavl to the Corinthians

That he helpeth with his exhortations, and in al things behaueth himself as becometh a Minister of God. 11. Which he speaketh so openly, because his hart is open vnto them: exhorting them to be likewise open-harted towards him, 14. and to auoid those infidels.
1. The Epistle vpon the first Sunday of Lent. AND we helping doe exhort, that you receiue not the grace of God in vaine. 2. (For he saith: * Isai. 49,8. In time accepted haue I heard thee; and in the day of saluation haue I holpen thee. Behold, now is the time acceptable: behold now the day of saluation.) 3. to no man giuing any offence, that our ministerie be not blamed: 4. The Epistle for many Martyrs. but in al things let vs exhibit our selues as the Ministers of God, in much patience, in tribulations, in necessities, in distresses, 5. in stripes, in prisons, in seditions, in labours, in watchings, in fastings, 6. in chastitie, in knowledge, in longanimitie, in sweetnes, in the Holy Ghost, in charitie not feined, 7. in the word of truth, in the vertue of God; by the armour of iustice on the right hand and on the left, 8. by honour and dishonour, by infamie and good fame: as seducers, and true: as they that are unknowen, and knowen: 9. as dying, and behold we liue: as chastened, & not killed: 10. as sorrowful, but alwaies reioycing: as needie, but enriching many: as S. Augustin (in ps. 113) gathereth hereby, that the Apostles did vow pouertie. hauing nothing, and possessing al things. 11. Our mouth is open to you, ô Corinthians, our hart is dilated. 12. You are not straitned in vs: but in your owne bowels you are straitned. 13. But hauing the same reward (I speake as to my children) be you also dilated. 14. It is not lawful for Catholikes to marrie with Heretikes or Infidels. See S. Hierom. cont. Iouinian. li. 1. Conc. Laod. c. 10. and 31. Beare not the yoke with infidels. For what participation hath iustice with iniquitie? or what societie is there between light and darkenes? 15. And what agreement with Christ and Belial? or what part hath the faithful with the infidel? 16. And what agreement hath the Temple of God with the Idols? For you are the Temple of the liuing God: as God saith, * Leu. 26,11. That I wil dwel, and walke in them, and wil be their God; and they shal be my people. 17. For the which cause, * Isai. 52,11. Goe out of the middes of them, and separate your selues, saith our Lord, and touch not the vncleane: and I wil receiue you. 18. * Ierem. 31,1. and I wil be a Father to you: and you shal be my sonnes & daughters, saith our Lord omnipotent. ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. VI. 1. Helping.) God's Ministers are coadiutours.
For that he declared before the Ministers of the new Testament to be Christes Deputies, and that when they preach or doe any function, God as it were speaketh or doeth it by them, he boldly now saith, Helping therfore: that is to say, ioyning or working together with God, we doe exhort.
1. Grace in vaine.] God's grace forceth no man against his wil.
The grace of God worketh not in man against his wil, nor forceth any thing without his acceptation and consent: and therfore it lieth in man's wil to frustrate or to follow the motion of God, as this text plainely proueth.
5. In watching.) Voluntarie penance.
When in the middes of many miseries and persecutions, the Apostles yet of their owne accord added and required voluntarie vigils, fastings, and chastitie, we may wel perceiue these workes to be wonderful grateful to God, and specially needful in the Clergie.
14. What societie.) Not to communicate with Heretikes in any actes of religion.
Generally here is forbidden conuersation and dealing with al Infidels, and consequently with Heretikes; but specially in praiers, or meeting at their Schismatical Seruice, preaching, or other diuine office whatsoeuer. Which the Apostle here vttereth in more particular and different termes, that Christian folke may take the better heed of it. No societie (saith he) nor fellowship, no participation nor agreement, no consent between light and darknes, Christ and Baal, the Temple of God and the Temple of Idols: al seruice, as pretended worship of God set vp by Heretikes or Schismatikes, being nothing els but Seruice of Baal and plaine Idolatrie, and their conuenticles nothing but conspirations against Christ. From such therfore specially we must seuer our selues alwaies in hart and mind, and, touching any act of religion, in body also, according as the children of Israel were commanded by God to separate themselues from the Schismetikes Core, Dathan, & Abiron, and their tabernacles, by these words: *Depart from the tabernacles of the impious men, and touch ye not those things which pertaine to them, lest you be enwrapped in their sinnes.
*Num. 16,26.